The Origins of the “Godfather” Title

Hinton recalls the moment he was christened the “godfather” of AI during a meeting with fellow AI researchers, including Andrew Ng. “It wasn’t intended as complimentary, I don’t think,” Hinton said, reflecting on how his seniority and assertiveness in the discussion earned him the nickname. Today, Hinton uses his influence to raise awareness about the potential dangers of AI surpassing human intelligence.

Geoffrey Hinton, the “godfather of AI”, at a conference in Toronto in June 2023. (Credit: Chris Young / The Canadian Press)

Hinton highlights the significant advancements in AI, pointing to the progression from OpenAI’s GPT-3 to GPT-4 as an example. “GPT-4 is quite a lot smarter. It answers a whole bunch of questions correctly that GPT-3 would get wrong,” he explained on his interview with Bloomberg. Hinton emphasizes that AI will continue to grow more intelligent through increased scale and scientific breakthroughs.

According to Hinton, the rapid advancement of AI poses a severe risk to humanity. He estimates a 50-50 chance that AI will become more intelligent than humans within 20 years. “We’ve never had to deal with things more intelligent than us. And so people should be very uncertain about what it will look like,” Hinton warned. He believes this intelligence could eventually evade human control, leading to potentially catastrophic consequences.

The Need for Government Intervention

Hinton argues that tech companies are not investing enough in AI safety. He suggests that companies should allocate 20 to 30 percent of their computing resources to examine how AI might evade human control. However, given the profit-driven nature of these companies, Hinton doubts they will prioritize safety on their own. “I think governments are the only thing powerful enough to slow that down,” he stated, urging political leaders to take action.

Geoffrey Hinton recently co-signed a letter “A Right to Warn about Advanced Artificial Intelligence” to warn the public about the modern day trends of Silicon Valley’s giants.

Hinton draws attention to the self-preservation mechanisms already being built into AI technologies. For example, chatbots are designed to function effectively despite data center disruptions. He warns that as AI systems become more self-interested, they will compete for resources, leading to an evolutionary process where the most competitive systems prevail. “We will be left in the dust if that happens,” Hinton cautioned.

Life After Google

Hinton’s concerns about AI led him to resign from his role at Google in 2023. He felt that he needed to speak more freely about the existential risks posed by AI. “In the spring of 2023, I began to realize that these digital intelligences we’re building might just be a lot better form of intelligence than us,” Hinton said. He criticized the tech industry’s focus on profits over safety, noting that companies like Google have shifted from being cautious to engaging in an arms race to develop the most advanced AI.

Geoffrey Hinton outside Google’s California headquarters in 2015, he resigned in 2023 from his high-profile job at Google specifically to share his concerns that unchecked AI development could threaten humanity. (Credit: Noah Berger / AP file photo)

Hinton is not alone in his call for regulation. Many advanced AI researchers have signed a public letter warning of the serious risks that AI could pose to society. The letter emphasizes the need for AI companies to commit to principles that ensure safety and transparency. It also calls for robust government oversight to prevent companies from avoiding effective regulation.

The Future of AI

Despite his concerns, Hinton remains hopeful that with proper regulation and oversight, the risks associated with AI can be managed. He believes that governments must coordinate globally to prevent AI from becoming an uncontrollable force. “None of these countries want super intelligence to take over. And that will force them to coordinate,” Hinton concluded.

Geoffrey Hinton’s warnings about the potential dangers of AI should not be taken lightly. As AI technologies continue to advance, the need for comprehensive safety measures and government regulation becomes increasingly urgent. By heeding Hinton’s advice and investing in AI safety, society can strive to harness the benefits of AI while mitigating its risks.

For more information on the latest developments in AI and insights from experts like Geoffrey Hinton, stay tuned!


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